"Announcement" From April 1st 2024 all Bellman & Symfon Products have had a Price Rise

Roger Clip on Mic


Roger Clip-On Mic is a small microphone designed for one-to-one conversations. Featuring a directional microphone, the user can focus on a conversation with their partner. It can also transmit the sound of multimedia devices e.g. T.V.
The Roger Clip-On Mic is the smallest Roger microphone. It can easily be clipped on to clothes or worn around the neck of a conversation partner. It transmits sound wirelessly to your client’s hearing aids.
Please note all Roger Microphones require a Roger Receiver to work.
To find out which receiver you will need, the "Roger Configuration" will help you find which receiver you will need.
When you have found the receiver you will need, email through at:
[email protected]
Set up and training is available for ACT residents, Please email through our "Contact Us" Form for prices and information.